Tuesday, June 28, 2011


So I'll be done with my AA next spring... I'm still indecisive trying to figure out where to continue on for my BSN. The schools I'm looking at are UofW or PLU. I hear both are really great schools. PLU is a private university so it's double the cost but it's just round the corner from my house. UofW, on the other hand is over an hour. What should I do?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My First Blog

Hi Everyone!

My name is Michelle and I am new to blogging. My brother told me about it and I wanted to share my thoughts with everyone.
I live in Washington State with my amazing boyfriend, 2 kids and my mother.
I am currently attending school full time to become a nurse. While the school is tough, I help the motivation to finish the course and graduate!
Feel free to drop me a line or leave a comment. :-)